Monday, September 12, 2016


Hello All!

I am proud to say that I *almost* have all of the Gifted forms that I need from you guys! Please have them signed and returned as soon as possible!

In class, we are organizing our week into two different sessions: one day is completely centered around personal interests and strengths while the other day is focused around our current unit, Acceptance.

Last week, we made "Expert Lists" as a way to explore things we are passionate about and which of those we would like to become more of an "expert" in. We also looked at all the ways humans can be different and alike. Much to our surprise, we discovered that despite the millions of ways we can be different, humans are actually more genetically similar than we thought!

This week, we will learn the expectations of "Genius Hour," which is our exploration of personal interests and questions. We will also be looking more into why humans are so similar when we all seem so different as we head into the idea of acceptance!

Please let me know if you have any questions! Hopefully, once we get all of our forms and press releases signed, I can start posting pictures!

Have a great week!

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